Wednesday, October 08, 2008

TRULY SAD! Mason Wyler Raped & Beaten

I am speechless...please show him your support. NO ONE deserves this. NO ONE!!! I am completely beside myself right now... :-(

"The truth is I did get raped by a guy who claimed to be a Captain in the U.S. Army. And the truth is I did invite him into my home. He was attractive and he looked normal. I guess thats incredibly stupid of me to judge someones character based solely on appearances. But I trust people on day one until they lose it instead of making people earn my trust. We had a bit of small talk, he told me that he was gay, and that he had seen some of my work and kept up with my myspace page. In a joking manner he asked for his reward for finding my wallet and I did come on to him. I kissed him and he kissed me back. But within a few short moments things quickly turned ugly. All the sexual abuses that I listed in my faux news report truthfully happened to me.

Truthfully for the first few hours of the attack I fought back and I fought back hard, I assume that since he was a big strong army guy that he thought it was going to be easy to over power me and get me under control, but I sure as hell surprised him. When he pulled out the gun it scared me shitless and I stopped fighting for a few a bit but then I figured I really was going to die and if that were the case then I'd rather go out fighting instead of being some blubbering victim.

So I started to struggle against him once more. I seriously bit a chunk of flesh out of his upper chest trying to wrestle him off of me, I also tried gouging his eyes out but every attempt I made to break free from him failed.

I was beaten and strangled to the point that I passed out numerous times during the night, each time I came to he was either fucking me or tying me up with whatever he could find. I ended up getting my wrists and ankles tied behind my back, and attached to a belt that was wrapped around my neck so that if I struggled I would end up just strangling myself..."

Read the rest at Mason's Blog

Vote for my blog!


Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, but is this true?

Anonymous said...

Even if it is true, he loved it. Mason Wyler is a bottomless pit. He invited the man into his home...He was going to fuck him eventually

Anonymous said...

It sounds like bullshit to me.

Y said...

I`m speechless either,Jr!
Thnx for posting this.I posted about it too.

Anonymous said...

so sorry man.

Unknown said...

Timonthy, srsly, stfu.

CodeX said...

But this pic is strange,I'd prefer not to see it,because I smell a fake..

Mike said...

I was raped when I was younger by a man but way diffrent then this.

I feel really bad for him. To say he loved it is so wrong. He may be a slut but that doesn't make it right.

markthomas899 said...

Mason invited, yes INVITED men to his home to have a sex session-
(i imagine its a regular thing)

Mason was fucked bareback-
(as he has done in recent porn)

Mason and the other men were using drugs -( hey, many people do)

The alledged 'rapists' had a shower after having sex with Mason ( rapists always hang around a crime scene to freshen up , dont they lol ?)

I dont believe he was raped at all because he hasnt persued the 'crime' with the police and he seems more interested in sensationalizing the story for the purpose of his blog

have you read about it on his blog?- as you scroll down reading the text theres photos of mason popping up everywhere with his ass in the air and legs spread .
Its a little hard to take a 'rape victims' story seriously when hes got his naked slutty porn photos popping up next the text.

Its a sick joke and the porn pics alongside the story confirmed it for me

sorry to any genuine rape victims out there , i just think Mason is an attention whore - remember matthew rush and the Zeb atlas dirty bumhole parasite story..
....incidentaly when is Masons next release ?

and the picture with the blackeye dosent even look real.

markthomas899 said...

Mason got the black eye from his boyfriend

his boyfriend was pissed off by Masons slutty ways....

Now its all slipping into place