Friday, November 21, 2008

Leo Giamani back on the bottom at RandyBlue

Okay, lets say these two guys ARE straight, if you were a straight woman how would you feel looking at this? I would be fucking PISSED. What a waste. Two strikingly gorgeous guys, one hung like a horse and the other with a body of a Demi-God, and they are on camera having sex...and not really wanted it. What a fucking world we live in. hahahahaha
Leo Giamani and Chris Rockway make a great couple. I haven't seen the scene yet and i'm a bit nervous about it, because Leo isn't the best performer. I hear he's a great guy and he's very easy to look at but i've not been a huge fan of his scenes. Maybe Chris rubbed off on him...LITERALLY.

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Y said...

God,look how he holds up his balls!Fantastic!
I wouldn`t probably like the scene just because I`m afraid I won`t see what I want to see-Chris` cock sliding in Leo`s asshole and then out and then Leo`s gaping hole.That`s what I love!!!
But the boys are gorgeous.That`s for sure.

Unknown said...

wtf. would they get him off the bottom already. He's very laaaame as a bottom. They're wasting all his god-given talent lol

d said...

Chris Rockway is the sexiest beast in the world. Same with Leo. But Leo SUCKS in his scenes. He just kinda lays there. Okay, you're "straight," we get it, but that doesn't mean you just lie there, it's lame. Clearly, he sucks as a porn star, only reason why he's even there is his damn good looks and huge ass dick. as for Chris, he's a pretty good performer. Sometimes the noises he makes during sex is kinda annoying and fake. That's one of my biggest pet peeves, making fake noises, like Mason Wyler (yeah, im sure his ass is tight as a virgin).

I don't even bother with Leo scenes anymore. They have ALL dissapointed me and it's such a shame, 'cause look wise, he has so much potential. Chris + Leo should equal the ultimate fantasy, but I'm sure this scene is just another waste like all Leo's scenes.

Jr said...

Caa.the.shots, I comlpetely agree about the Leo Scenes. I feel like he needs better direction. Who is on the set with them. I do feel that Chris over does it sometimes too..