Monday, August 11, 2008

Snicker's Commercial Banned

This Commercial was banned.
You think gays complained...I didn't think it was homophobic...Do YOU?
I thought it was kind of funny.

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Anonymous said...

Okay, MAYBE the butt wiggle and the hot pants make it a little homophobic... But come on, who doesn't hate speed walkers.

Jr said...

Seriously...I'm like either run or walk...I would chuck a snickers at them as well.

Jr said...

I can respect that and to a degree I do think it could be view that way, but but it was all on the walk. It wasn't that old boy in the shorts was a homo.

Anonymous said...

the homophobic dimension is that the yellowshortsboy become a loser and runs at the end. the ateamhomunculus has the final say. boo!

Jim said...

Huh, I read tons about this ad's controversy, but nowhere did I read that the "effeminate" guy was a RACEWALKER. Everyone was railing against the whole "guy was obviously gay" aspect. Well, now that I've seen it, the guy is NOT obviously gay! Anyone's who's ever seen an olympic racewalk event knows that all the guys wear these shorts (as do the gymnasts, lol) and the spot IS focused on the WALK. Tough one to call. Glad it's banned tho, always hated obnoxious Mr T!

foodguy67 said...

Budweiser did an audio ad some time ago poking fun at Mr. Park Speed Walkers" in their "Real Men Of Genius" radio ads a few years back. No visual on that one, but it poked fun at the "less manly aspect" of the hobby/sport. I took the yellow shorts inthis ad as a a guy that was a bit behind in the times when it came to popular sports wear. Things are getting a bit too PC and I found nothing wrong with the commercial. Chances are if a few of us gay men where in a car and saw Mr. Hot pants speed walking by, someone would have a comment made in a humorous way. Stereotypes exist because there is always a small grain of truth to them. I just read a blog by some porndude about "If You're That Gay Guy". No one jumped on porn boy for reinforcing the more image conscious side of gay life that exists and thrives.

Anonymous said...

yep, even from a non-american point of view (so I am immune to over-sensetivity) this DOES feel homophobic.