Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Damien and Jackson Back together Again

I absolutely LOVED their scene in Breakers. I was hard for like a week after I saw it.
So I am really looking forward to seeing their scene in, "To the last man"
I am actually looking forward to the full movie.

See more photo's at Damien's Blog

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Y said...

I totally agree with you.This was a fucking hot scene in Breakers.Worth opening the flick,huh?:)
I`m glad to see Damien is doing some so good films for RSS.I was kinda sorry when he left Titan.

Anonymous said...

Do we know the REAL REAL reason he left Titan? I mean, we all know what he said and it was very polite,BUT WERE THERE ANY HARD FEELINGS?
Seems that he flipped his life upside down. Left Titan, Angelo, NYC...WOW. That's alot.