Thursday, December 18, 2008

Come on Deano, pick it up

This is
Deano's third time back..and I have to say he back tracking. I thought this kid was going somewhere, but he actually starting to hold back on these shoots. His older shoots are far more interesting and diverse. Maybe I put too much emphasis on the ass, but this kid is much more interesting when he's bent over with his glory spread for the world to. He has a cute face and all...BUT THESE DAYS WHO DOESN'T!!! This clip is hot, but i want to see MORE...


Unknown said...

For some reason this kid doesn't do it for me. iono why. He's hot and all, I just...I have no idea!

Anonymous said...

I suppose it's pure sentimentalism on one's part, but I feel that the portrait of him kneeling, studying the emergence of his extravagantly pretty pith from its sheath, is far, far from contemptible. But we need such standards as you insist upon, to gird us against slackerdom in our own. And we surely need many, many more viewpoints such as Mojo's, to accelerate our place in line.