Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kurt and Douchbag Rylan flip flop at Seancody

I adore Kurt and he's been around a lot, but I thought we were rid of that rodent Rylan. You know what I hate almost more than anything is when when someone denies doing porn. I always run into Rylan and a few other guys that have done porn when I'm out and you'd think that after a guy has had his asshole reamed by multiple dicks on line for millions to see, he be okay with guys walking up to them saying, "OMG, I just saw you on seancody." NO NOT RYLAN. He fucking denies it. Fucking Leprechan. Where is Curtis? I want him to come back. He was a billion times better than Rylan anyway.



jim said...


what happened to the chat box?

all good?


Jr said...

It was being a pain in the ass. Wouldn't load and it was slowing everything down. So I removed it for a while. I have been traveling for like the past 3 months with no break. I'm exhausted.

Brian said...

Hahah, Rylan's an asshole. I agree. But damn, that boy's cute. *sigh* Isn't that all too often the case in the real world?


jim said...

GET SOME REST and stay home for a while! We all miss your presence.