Monday, July 21, 2008

Mathew and Zeb preview

After everything that went down, does anyone really wanna see this scene?
And seeing as though Matthew ate shit and got a parasite, they are using a picture of him eating his ass...CLASSY!

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markUK said...

Hey isnt this the very video where Matthew Rush contracts the virus from licking Zebs dirty bung hole ?

Anonymous said...

I was looking forward to this, but post-parasite incident... Yuck. You're just wondering at what part the colonies migrated into Matt's mouth.

Anonymous said...

i find them both HOT (Zeb a little less now that word is out he doesnt clean himself) but this scene, after all that went on.... YUCK

Anonymous said...

it is!

poor matthew :(

markUK said...

i think they are both UGLY.

I liked SHREK the movie, but seeing 2 guys who look like shrek dosent make me horny.

They are both prime examples of steroid abuse.