Thursday, June 19, 2008

RSS's The 4th Floor Preview

I have to say that at the moment I am into Logan McCree...Say what you want, but behind all those many many tattoo's is a fucking Handsome Bloke.


markUK said...

No, too many tattos ...and they are not even good tattoos.
must have been a buy 1 get 2 free offer at the tattoo studio.

If youre gonna permanently mark your body - at least find a good creative design .

and what happens when hes 70 yrs old in nursing home and its time for his bed bath? hes gonna look really stupid.


Jr said...

Yeah, when I first saw him I thought the same thing, but come to find out he's religious and they ALL MEAN SOMETHING...who would have thought...LOL

Jonnie Walker84 said...

I think the tattoos are hot! What's hotter than spending a night with someone who has tattoos all over their body and running your tongue up and down all that ink? That's right, there's nothing.

Anonymous said...

Without the tattoos he is a very handsome man, but personally I find him really hot with them.His body is a work of art and I like how they look on him.